我们实验室致力于神经经济学(又称决策神经学)研究,旨在从计算机制的层面了解人类社会决策行为的认知和神经生物基础。例如,我们希望探索社会互动中,人们如何对他人的行为和意图进行预判,并由此指导自己的行为选择。这一类行为包括博弈互动(例如, 玩石头剪刀布),以及社会交流中交流内容的编码和解码。为此,我们将神经生物学实验手段(如核磁共振、脑损伤、药物)、与经济学实验范式和博弈、数理行为算法相结合,在健康和疾病人群中探讨社会决策的认知过程和大脑机制。
1. L Zhu*, Y Jiang, D Scabini, RT. Knight & M Hsu* (2019). PaOents with basal ganglia damage show preserved learning in an economic game. Nature Communica.ons 10: 802
2. S Ai#, Y Yin#, Y Chen, C Wang, Y Sun, X Tang, L Lu, L Zhu*, J Shi* (2018). PromoOng subjecOve preferences in simple economic choices during nap. eLife, e40583
3. AC. Jenkins, P Karashchuk, L Zhu, and M Hsu (2018). PredicOng human behavior toward members of different social groups. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.
4. Zhu L, Jenkins CA, Set E, Scabini D, Knight RT, Chiu PH, King-Casas B, & Hsu M (2014). Damage to dorsolateral prefrontal cortex affects tradeoffs between honesty and self-interest. Nature Neuroscience, 17(10), 1319-1321.
5. Zhu L, Mathewson K, & Hsu M (2012). Dissociable neural representations of reinforcement and belief prediction errors underlie strategic learning. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 109(5), 1419-1424.