我致力于人类视知觉的研究,主要利用脑功能成像 (功能性磁共振和脑电)、心理物理学和计算模型等手段研究视知觉的认知和神经机制。目前的研究方向包括:物体的识别和表征、由知觉学习和视觉适应所导致的脑可塑性、注意和意识在视觉信息加工中的作用、情境对早期视皮层活动的调节。
1. Chen J, Zhou T, Yang H,Fang F*, Cortical dynamics underlying face completion in human visual system. JOURNALOF NEUROSCIENCE, 30(49):16692-16698, 2010.
2. Cheung S*, Fang F*, He S,Legge GE, Retinotopically specific reorganization of visual cortex for tactile patternrecognition, CURRENT BIOLOGY, 19(7): 596-601, 2009.
3. Fang F*, Boyaci H, Kersten D, Border ownership selectivity in human early visual cortex and its modulation by attention, JOURNAL OF NEUROSCIENCE, 29(2): 460-465, 2009.
4. Fang F, Boyaci H, Kersten D, Murray SO*, Attention-dependent representation of a size illusion in human V1,CURRENT BIOLOGY, 18(21):1707-1712, 2008.
5. Boyaci H*, Fang F, Murray SO, Kersten D, Responses to lightness variations in early human visual cortex. CURRENT BIOLOGY. 17(11):989-993, 2007.
6. Fang F*, Murray SO, He S, Duration-dependent fMRI adaptation and distributed viewer-centered face representation in human visual cortex, CEREBRAL CORTEX, 17(6): 1402-1411, 2007.
7. Fang F, He S*, Cortical responses to invisible objects in human dorsal and ventral pathways. NATURENEUROSCIENCE, 8(10):1380-1385, 2005.
8. Fang F, He S*, Viewer-centered object representation in the human visual system revealed by viewpoint aftereffects.NEURON, 45(5):793-800, 2005.