神经科学的核心目标是阐明感知、行为和意识等产生的神经机制。利用果蝇、小鼠和非人灵长类等多种模式动物,我们研究以上过程:1) 视觉“暗光”的分子机制 (Science, 2011; Nature Neuroscience,2008; Current Biology, 2020); 2) 嗅觉编码机制 (PNAS, 2016; Nature Communications, 2017); 3) 机械感知对进食决策的调控 (Science Advances, 2019); 4) 生物钟的神经机制 (Nature Communications, 2018; Science Advances, 2022)。
我们发展了国际前沿的神经电生理技术(包括活体动物脑的多电极膜片钳记录),结合分子遗传、光遗传和双光子钙成像等,揭示大脑产生感知和行为的基本规律。目前,正在进行的研究课题包括:(1) 感觉信号编码和加工的神经机制;(2) 进食等本能行为的神经机制; (3) 生物钟和睡眠的神经机制。
1. Tang M, Cao LH, Yang T, Ma SX, Jing BY, Xiao N, Xu S, Leng KR, Yang D, Li MT, Luo DG.(2020) An extra-clock ultradian brain oscillator sustains circadian timekeeping. Science Advances 8, eabo5506.
2. Luo DG, Silverman D, Frederiksen R, Adhikari R, Cao LH, Oatis JE, Kono M, Cornwall MC, and Yau KW. (2020) Apo-opsin and its dark constitutive activity across retinal cone subtypes. Current Biology 30: 4921-4931.
3. Wu F, Deng B, Xiao N, Wang T, Li Y, Wang R, Shi K, Luo DG, Rao Y, Zhou C. (2020) A neuropeptide regulates fighting behavior in Drosophila melanogaster. Elife e54229.
4. Zhou Y, Cao LH, Sui XW, Guo XQ, and Luo DG. Mechanosensory circuits coordinate two opposing motor actions in Drosophila feeding. Science Advances 2019, 5: eaaw5141.
5. Li MT, Cao LH, Xiao N, Tang M, Deng B, Yang T, Yoshii T, and Luo DG. Hub-organized parallel circuits of central circadian pacemaker neurons for visual photoentrainment in Drosophila. Nature Communications 2018, 9: 4247.
6. Cao LH, Yang D, Wu W, Zeng X, Jing BY, Li MT, Qin SS, Tang C, Tu Y, and Luo DG. Odor-evoked inhibition of olfactory sensory neurons drives olfactory perception in Drosophila. Nature Communications 2017, 8: 1357.
7. Yue WW, Frederiksen R, Ren X, Luo DG, Yamashita T, Shichida Y, Cornwall MC, Yau KW. Spontaneous activation of visual pigments in relation to openness/closedness of chromophore-binding pocket. eLife, 2017, 6. pii: e18492.
8. Cao LH, Jing BY, Yang D, Zeng X, Shen Y, Tu Y and Luo DG. Distinct signaling of Drosophila chemoreceptors in olfactory sensory neurons. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA, 2016, 113, E902-E911.
9. Cao LH, Luo DG and Yau KW. Light responses of primate and other mammalian cones. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA, 2014, 111, 2752-2757.
10. Luo DG*, Yue WWs, Ala-Laurila P and Yau KW*. Activation of visual pigments by light and heat. Science, 2011, 332, 1037-1032. (*Co-corresponding Authors)
11. Fu Y*, Kefalov VJ*, Luo DG*, Xue T* and Yau KW. Quantal noise from human red cone pigment. Nature Neuroscience, 2008, 11, 565-571. (*Equal Contributions)
12. Luo DG, Xue T, and Yau KW. How vision begins: an odyssey. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA, 2008, 105, 9855-9862.
13. Su CY, Luo DG, Terakita A, Schichida Y, Liao HW, Kazmi MA, Sakamar TP and Yau KW. Parietal-eye phototransduction components and their potential evolutionary implications. Science, 2006, 311, 11617-11621.