2009年毕业于美国圣路易斯华盛顿大学,2009-2012年在哈佛大学医学院从事生物医学信息学方面的研究。2012年9月加入北京大学。席瑞斌的主要研究方向是生物统计、生物信息、高维统计、网络分析、生物医学大数据、组学大数据及肿瘤的精准医学。席瑞斌近年来有50多篇篇文章发表于Nature, Nature Genetics, Nature Communications, PNAS, Science Translational Medicine, Bioinformatics, Biometrika, NeurIPS等高水平的学术期刊和会议。席瑞斌在现场统计协会、青年统计学家协会、统计计算协会等专业协会任理事、常务理事、副会长等职务。席瑞斌先后主持或参与过科技部973项目、国家重点研发项目、基金委重点项目及基金委面上项目等多个科研基金项目。
1. Jin, Z., Huang, W., Shen, N., Li, J., Wang, X., Dong, J., Park, P. and Xi, R.* (2022) Single cell gene fusion detection by scFusion, Nature Communications, 13, 1084.
2. Xiao, F., Tang, J., Fang, H. and Xi, R.* (2022) Estimating graphical models for count data with applications to single-cell gene network, NeurIPS 2022
3. Song, G.#, Shi, Y.#, Meng, L.#, Ma, J.#, Huang, S., Zhang, J., Wu, Y., Li, J., Yang, S., Rao, D., Cheng, Y., Lin, J., Ji, S., Liu, Y., Shan, J., Wang, X., Shu, Z., Ke, A., Wang, X., Cao, Y., Yuan, J., Jian, Z., Jia, F.*, Zhang, X.*, Xi, R.*, Gao, Q.* (2022), Single-cell transcriptomic analysis suggests two molecularly subtypes of intrahepatic cholangiocarcinoma, Nature Communications, 13, 1642.
4. Chen, C., Wu, C., Wu, L. Wang, X., Deng, M. and Xi, R.* (2020) scRMD: Imputation for single cell RNA-seq data via robust matrix decomposition. Bioinformatics, 36(10), 3156-3161.
5. Cui, Y.#, Chen, H.#, Xi, R.#, Cui, H.#, Zhao, Y.#, Xu, E.#, Yan, T., Lu, X., Huang, F., Kong, P., Li, Y., Zhu, X., Wang, J., Zhu, W., Wang, J., Ma, Y., Zhou, Y., Guo, S., Zhang, L., Liu, Y., Wang, B., Xi, Y., Sun, R., Yu, X., Zhai, Y., Wang, F., Yang, J., Wang, B., Cheng, C., Liu, J., Song, B., Li, H., Wang, Y., Zhang, Y., Cheng, X., Zhan, Q.*, Li, Y.* and Liu, Z.* (2020). Whole-genome sequencing of 508 patients identifies key molecular features associated with poor prognosis in esophageal squamous cell carcinoma, Cell Research, 30(10):902-913.
6. Yin, S. #, Xi, R.#, Wu, A.#, Wang, S.# ,Li, Y., Wang, C., Tang, L., ,Xia, Y., Yang, D., Li, J., Ye, B., Yu, Y., Wang, J., Zhang, H., Ren, F., Zhang, Y., Shen, D., Wang, L., Ying, X., Li, Z., Bu, Z. Ji, Xin, Gao, X. Jia, Y., Jia, Z., Li, N., Li, Z., Ji, J.* and Xi, J.Z.* (2020) Patient-derived tumor-like cell clusters for drug testing in cancer therapy. Science Translational Medicine, 12(549), eaaz1723.
7. Dong, L.Q.#, Shi, Y.#, Ma, L.#, Gao, D., Yang, L., Wang, X., Zhang, S., Ding, Z., Zhang, Z., Wang, Z., Liu, L., Zheng, B., Yuan, K., Ke, A., Zhou, J., FAN, J.*, Xi, R.* and Gao, Q.* (2018) Spatial and temporal clonal evolution of intrahepatic cholangiocarcinoma, Journal of Hepatology, 69 (1), 89-98.
8. Xia, Y., Liu, Y., Deng, M. and Xi, R.* (2017) SVmine improves structural variation detection by integrative mining of predictions from multiple algorithms, Bioinformatics, 33(21):3348-3354.
9. Xi, R.*, Lee, S., Xia, Y., Kim, T. and Park, P. J.* (2016) Copy number analysis of whole genome data using BIC-seq2 and its application to detection of cancer susceptibility variants, Nucleic Acids Research, 44(13):6274-6286.
10. Xi, R., Hadjipanayis, A.G., Luquette, L.J., Kim, T.M., Lee, E., Zhang, J.H., Johnson, M.D., Muzny, D.M., Wheeler, D.A., Kucherlapati, R., and Park, P.J.* (2011) Copy number alteration detection in sequencing data using the Bayesian information criterion, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, USA, 108(46):E1128-1136.
11. Kharchenko, P.V., Xi, R.,and Park, P.J.* (2011) Evidence for dosage compensation between the X and autosomes in mammals, Nature Genetics, 43(12):1167-1169.