1 利用数据时空分解方法研究大规模神经元网络的动力学性质并进行数据驱动式降维。
2. 应用数学降维方法,开拓分析光学成像数据的技术,发展预测神经元功能网络和功能连通性(functional connectivity)的算法。
3. 开展同时具有高空间分辨率和高时间分辨率的光学成像技术,研发线虫行为及其神经环路同步成像的光学成像系统。
1. Zheng, C. Yu, Z., Zhou, Y., Tao, L., Pang, Y., Chen, T., Zhang X. Qiu, H., Zhou, H., Chen, Z. and Huang Y., “Live cell imaging analysis of the epigenetic regulation of the human endothelial cell migration at single cell resolution,” accepted for publication in Lab on a Chip.
2. Tao, L., Praissman, J., and Sornborger, A.T., “Improved dimensionally-reduced visual cortical network using stochastic noise modeling,” J. Comput. Neurosci., 32, 367-376 (2012).
3. Cai, D., Tao, L., Shkarayev, M.S., Rangan, A.V., McLaughlin, D.W., and Kovacic, G., “The role of fluctuations in coarse-grained descriptions of neuronal networks,” Comm. Math. Sci. 10, 307-354 (2012).
4. Tao, L., Lauderdale, J.D. and Sornborger, A.T., “Mapping functional connectivity between neuronal ensembles with larval zebrafish transgenic for a ratiometric calcium indicator,” Frontiers in Neural Circuits
5. Carceras, M.J., Carrillo, J.A., and Tao, L., “A numerical solver for a nonlinear Fokker-Planck equation representation of neuronal network dynamics,” J. Comput. Phys. 230, 1084 (2011)
6. Tao, L. and Sornborger, A.T. “Dimensionally-reduced visual cortical network model predicts network response and connects system- and cellular-level descriptions,” J. Comput. Neurosci., 28, 91-106 (2010)
7. Kovacic, G., Tao, L., Rangan, A.V., and Cai, D., “Fokker-Planck description of conductance-based integrate-and-fire neuronal networks,” Phys. Rev. E, 80, 021904 (2009)
8. Zhao, M., Chen, X., Gao, G., Tao, L., and Wei, L., “RLEdb: a database of rate-limiting enzymes and their regulation in human, rat, mouse, yeast and E. coli,” Cell Res. 16, 793-5 (2009)
9. Gao, G., Li, J.-T., Kong, L., Tao, L. and Wei, L., “Human herpesvirus miRNAs statistically preferentially target host genes involved in cell signaling and adhesion/junction pathways,” Cell Res. 19, 665-667 (2009)
10. Rangan, A.V., Tao, L., Kovacic, G., and Cai, D. “Multi-scale modeling of the primary visual cortex,” IEEE Eng. Med. Biol., 28, 19-24 (2009)